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Last month, we presented at the International Ruhr Energy Conference 2024 in Essen, Germany, where we delivered a keynote unveiling TradeRES’s latest innovations. The presentation underscored the necessity for lean electricity market models to support power systems approaching 100% renewable-based electricity generation in Europe. Simulation results for MIBEL were presented, with a particular focus on the newly proposed negotiation mechanisms. 

Posted at 03-10-2024

PhD Workshop LARS

We had the privilege of attending the Loyola Autumn Research School by the Florence School of Regulation, where young energy modelers learned to enhance their research impact. The experience with leading instructors and international peers was inspiring.

Posted at 23-09-2024

PhD Workshop PSI-LEA


Joint PhD Workshop PSI-LEA, the Chair for Energy Systems Analysis at ETH Zürich, and the Chair of Energy Systems and Energy Economics at Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Posted at 05-09-2024

EURO 2024 Conference participation


News from last week! The TradeRES team went to Copenhagen, Denmark, for the EURO2024 conference. This is a major event in our field.

We organize the session MC-9: New Market Designs & Models for 100% Renewable Power Systems, chaired by our colleague @Silke Johanndeiter. This session featured 4 insightful papers, each contributing to the discussion on innovative market designs for a future powered entirely by renewable energy.

  • Price formation and intersectoral distributional effects in a fully decarbonized European electricity market
  • Economic benefits of residential heating and cooling flexibility: consumer and system perspective
  • Assessing market effects of support instruments for renewables: Are they needed and how to design them?
  • The reform of Balancing Markets: Insights from Portugal and Spain
Posted at 05-07-2024

ICEBERG Workshop participation

🔔 Earlier this month, our colleagues in TradeRES from Imperial College London participated in ICEBΕRG’s Interim Workshop on “Scalable Optimization of Power Systems with Flexible Demand and Renewable Supply” in Athens, Greece.

The workshop provided a platform for intensive discussions on cutting-edge research and developments in the field of Market Design, TSO-DSO Coordination and Flexibility Platforms, Balancing Markets and Optimization under Uncertainty – areas also spanned by TradeRES research and outcomes.

More information with program :

Posted at 28-06-2024

EEM 2024 Conference participation

🎯 Last week, TradeRES made a significant impact at the International Conference on European Energy Market (#EEM24) in Istanbul, Turkey. Representatives from LNEG, the German Aerospace Center (DLR), and Imperial College London presented five papers showcasing TradeRES results on national market designs, remuneration mechanisms for energy and balancing products, and local energy markets and communities.

Once the papers are available, we will provide the links on:

Photo credit: EEM24 –



Posted at 17-06-2024

ABM4Energy conference


The ABM4Energy Conference took place in Freiburg, Germany, from March 21-22, 2024. Experts gathered to discuss the latest developments in agent-based modeling for energy economics and energy policy. The event was a valuable opportunity for professionals in the field to exchange ideas and explore innovative approaches to energy system modeling.

Posted at 29-03-2024

GECAD Internal Workshop

To kick off the year, we participated in the GECAD Internal Workshop in Porto, Portugal. During the event, various projects, including TradeRES, were showcased alongside developed tools, reaching members of the energy field. The workshop provided a platform for sharing insights and fostering internal collaborations among participants who were previously unaware of the project.


Posted at 16-01-2024

ENLIT participation

TradeRES is at Enlit 2023 in Paris, presenting the highlights of the project. 

Posted at 29-11-2023

Stakeholders workshop organization

We collected valuable lessons from stakeholder interaction in our TradeRES Iberian Stakeholders’ Workshop: Electricity markets with high shares of renewables. 

More details in the blog section:


Posted at 29-11-2023

ECEMP participation

ECEMP 2023, Europe’s climate and energy modelling conference, successfully united experts for three days of deep research exchange. With its unique blend of high-level panels and interactive workshops, it provided vital insights for transforming Europe’s energy system. Participants included researchers, Horizon 2020 projects, European Commission representatives, and industry partners.

Notably, the TradeRES project consortium had presence in the event with a plenary talk by Professor Zita Vale from ISEP – Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, a renowned expert in the field. Additionally, the TradeRES consortium actively participated in the parallel sessions and skill workshops, contributing to the vibrant discussions and showcasing their innovative approaches to renewable energy in the European energy market.

Posted at 11-10-2023

Summer school of BSE

We participated in the ‘Empirical Methods for the Analysis of the Energy Transition’ Summer School at the Barcelona School of Economics. Here is a comprehensive overview of the topics covered:

  1. The challenge of climate change and trends in energy: introduction and factual insights.
  2. Introduction to supply-side and wholesale pricing: basics of modeling.
  3. Application of machine learning in the supply side: simplification of complex models.
  4. Introduction to demand-side and retail pricing: fundamental concepts of modeling.
  5. Utilizing machine learning in the demand side: focusing on demand response and energy efficiency.
Posted at 04-10-2023

Participation IAEE

 We submitted two abstracts (one from EnBW and another from TUDelft) for the IAEE event in Milan, Italy.
This conference was a paramount opportunity to showcase the latest insights and contributions to the energy industry experts and leaders. For more details, you can explore here:

“Integrating prosumers into a fully decarbonized European wholesale electricity market”
“Capacity mechanisms in a highly renewable electricity market with flexible resources”
“The EU electricity markets under reform: consensus, disagreements, and unknows”
Posted at 02-10-2023

TradeRES Stakeholder Workshop - Registration is now open

The workshop is open to the interested public, there is no admission fee.

Registration link – Part 1

Registration link – Part 2


Preliminary Agenda – CEST (UTC+2)

Part 1: Research and Results

  • 09:30h Welcome and Introduction
  • 09:45h Capacity Markets and Energy Only Markets
  • 10:30h TradeRES Models, Cast Studies and Scenarios
  • 11:00h Break
  • 11:15h Support Instruments: Theory and Model Results
  • 12:30h End of Part 1

Part 2: Hands-on Tool Demonstration 

  • 14:00 Welcome and Introduction
  • 14:15 AMIRIS + Spine Toolbox: Installation and Execution
  • 14:30 Parametrise Market Designs in AMIRIS
  • 15:30 Break
  • 15:45 Backbone + Spine Toolbox: Installation and Execution
  • 17:00 End of Part 2

Requested Preparations
To avoid waiting times for downloads and installation processes during the workshop, we ask all participants to check if their system meets these requirements. Both, AMIRIS and Backbone require Python and Spine-Toolbox for the version shown in this tutorial.

Check Python
You can test if you have Python available by using the command python –version. This should show your Python version if the Python command was found. Note that if you use a Python environment manager you can have several Python versions on your system side by side. If you do not have Python installed on your system, you may use e.g. conda or mamba. We will use a Python 3.9 installation for this tutorial.

AMIRIS also requires Java JDK 11 or above. It operates on Windows, Linux and Mac. In this tutorial, we will use AMIRIS integrated within Spine-Toolbox.

Check Java
You can test if you have a JDK by using the command java –version (or java -version on some systems). This should show your Java version if Java was found. If you get a command not found error, or if Java version is less than 11 please download and install a recent JDK from e.g. here.


Backbone requires a working GAMS installation and licence.

Additional information:

Posted at 12-09-2023


Participation PhD workshop

TradeRES had the opportunity to participate in a PhD workshop by Ruhr-University Bochum’s distinguished chair of energy systems and energy economics. Our presentation was “Integrating prosumers into a fully decarbonized European wholesale electricity market”.

Posted at 02-08-2023

Presentations EERA-ESI TradeRES workshop

The pdf presentations already available, more information below:

  • The challenges of electricity markets for renewables. TradeRES ambition and goals. Ana Estanqueiro, LNEG. | Download
  • Main aspects of the EC proposal for Reform of Electricity Markets, Laurens de Vries, TUDelft. | Download
  • Enhanced electricity markets to support high levels of variable renewable generation: bridging the gap between economics and engineering. Valentin Bertsch*, Univ. Bochum. | Download
  • Flexibility market to support a cost-effective electricity system decarbonisation Goran Strbac, Imperial College.  | Download
  • Pan-European case study – evaluating different types of Contracts for Difference, Silke Johanndeiter, EnBW.  | Download
  • The German Case Study – Comparison of Support Schemes for Renewables, Kristina Nienhaus, DLR.  | Download
  • The Dutch Case Study: Can an Energy Only Market (EOM) enable Resource Adequacy in a nearly 100% Renewable Power System?, Ingrid Jimenez, TUDelft.  | Download
  • The Iberian Case Study – RES Support Schemes in the Iberian Power Systems. Hugo Algarvio, LNEG; Gabriel Santos, ISEP.  | Download

*Member of TradeRES Advisory Board, Invited Speaker

Posted at 29-06-2023

EEM23 presentations

EEM presentations already available:

  1. TradeRES: New Markets Design & Models for ~100% Renewable Power Systems (LNEG) | Download
  2. Local Energy Markets and Strategic Interaction (ICL) | Download
  3. Demand Response Models and Markets  (ISEP) | Download
  4. Can an Energy Only Market (EOM) enable Resource Adequacy in a nearly 100% Renewable Power System? (TUDelft) | Download
  5. Comparison of Support Schemes for Renewables – A German Case Study (DLR) | Download
  6. RES Support Schemes in the Iberian Power Systems (LNEG) | Download
  7. Evaluating different types of CfDs in a fully decarbonized European wholesale electricity market (EnBW) | Download
  8. Using Spine Toolbox to facilitate a modelling workflow for TradeRES (VTT) | Download
  9. Evaluating different types of CfDs in a fully decarbonized European wholesale electricity market (VTT) | Download
  10. Electricity market modeling and simulation with MASCEM and RESTrade (ISEP) | Download
  11. Coupling AMIRIS and EMLabpy (TUDelft)  | Download

Posted at 27-06-2023

CIRED Conference

We’ll be in Rome from today until Thursday, taking part in the prestigious 27th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED). With the paper: ““On the Effects of Tariff Structures on the Revenue Streams of Local Energy Systems””, stay tuned for updates! #CIRED2023

Posted at 12-06-2023

Workshop hosted by TradeRES and EERA-SI

Exciting News! Join us for a special workshop hosted by TradeRES and EERA-ESI, right before the EERA-ESI 2023 Conference in Brussels!
This independent event is open to everyone in the electricity markets community, including non-EERA members. Secure your online tickets now to ensure your spot (free)!

Register here:

Don’t miss this opportunity, on the 28th of June, see you at the workshop.

Posted at 07-06-2023

Special Session at EEM 2023

📣 Exciting News! Join us for a special session at EEM23 in picturesque Lappeenranta, Finland! 
TradeRES is thrilled to present an independent event, completely FREE of charge! Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and network with industry experts.
The agenda is now available here:


See you at EEM2023 in Lappeenranta on the 8th of June! 

Posted at 06-06-2023

Participation in workshop

Our project was fortunate to partake in a hybrid workshop last week, known as GECAD Energy Day. This remarkable event provided us with the opportunity to engage with individuals who share our passion and fostered the exchange of insightful ideas. We eagerly anticipate the ongoing transformation of these ideas. Stay updated as we endeavor to advance the frontiers of knowledge and research in the fields of energy innovation and trade in renewable energy sources. 

To learn more about the event’s schedule, please refer to the following agenda: link

#TradeRES #EnergyInnovation #knowledge #research #science #PhD


Posted at 30-05-2023

Participation in winter school

Next week TradewRES will participate in the Winter school 2023 – Planning under Uncertainty in Energy Markets, at Norway.

#engineering #optimization #NTNU #NTRANS

Posted at 24-03-2023

Participation in a workshop

Participation in the Workshop “Agent-based Modeling for Energy Economics and Energy Policy”, organized by DLR.

Posted at 22-03-2023

Webinar YEAR 2023

Last month @Niina Helistö was one of the speakers at the YEAR network SUSTAINABLE ENERGY AND ENERGY TRANSITION webinar. This webinar focused on storage systems, markets and energy system planning.

More info:

#markets #models #renewables

Posted at 16-03-2023

Participation in IEWT 2023

Last week TradeRES had a very strong presence, in Die Zukunft der EnergieMÄRKTE in Europa vor dem Hintergrund neuer geopolitischer Ungleichgewichte (IEWT), Vienna, Austria.

  • Conference paper: “Wholesale electricity prices in European power systems with high shares of renewables – the impact of market designs”
  • Presentation: “Can an energy only market enable resource adequacy in a ~100% power system in Netherlands”  
  • Presentation: “Wirkung dynamischer Stromtarife auf Lastmanagementpotenziale”
  • Presentation:  “Nutzer- und systemseitige Effekte durch preisbasiertes Demand Response mit Wärmepumpen”
  • Poster: “Evaluation of remuneration schemes for renewable energy technologies”

More information:

Posted at 22-02-2023

Participation in IEWT 2023

​Next month TradeRES will participate in Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien (IEWT 2023), in Vienna, Austria. With the publication “Wholesale electricity prices in European power systems with high shares of renewables – the impact of market designs”.

Posted at 19-01-2023

Participation in Tomorrow Summit 2022

Last week the TradeRES project participated in Tomorrow Summit 2022 event, Porto, Portugal. The event focused on discussing the “tomorrow”, based on technology and innovation.

Posted at 17-11-2022

Second TradeRES Public Workshop

The Horizon 2020 project TradeRES – Tools for the Design and Modelling of New Markets and Negotiation Mechanisms for 100% Renewable European Power System is glad to announce its second public workshop, which will be held online on 28 November 2022, from 13:00 to 17:00 CET (Brussels time).

The second TradeRES workshop aims at bringing together different views on some of the main research and development questions related to the project, including discussions on wholesale market design, retail markets, ancillary services, system adequacy, sector coupling, and congestion management. The valuable insights to be gathered and the discussion conclusions will be used to complement and improve the project ideas and vision. Consequently, the workshop outcomes will be reflected in the market designs currently under development so that the different perspectives and needs can be incorporated into TradeRES comprehensive market designs.

Location: online (Zoom)
Date: 28 November 2022
Time: 13:00 – 17:00 CET (Brussels time)

The participation in the workshop is free but registration is mandatory.

More information and program (pdf): here

Posted at 17-10-2022

Participation in IAEE

It is soon our participation in the 17th IAEE European Energy Conference, with the paper “Bidding strategies of renewables in the Iberian electricity spot market”.
Posted at 20-09-2022

Participation in EEM

More info:

Posted at 16-09-2022

Participation in Summer School

TradeRES participated in a summer school titled “From Energy Systems to Energy Justice”, hosted by the University of Oslo.
Our presentation: (Local) Electricity Markets: the challenges of variable renewable energy.

More info:

Posted at 13-09-2022

Participation in EnInnov 2022

We will be at the European Energy Market Conference (EEM), on September 13, with two papers:

“Advanced Clearing Model in Prosumer Centric Local Flexibility Market”
“The impact of variable renewables’ heterogeneity on their market values in the Iberian wholesale electricity market”

More details soon.

Posted at 02-09-2022

TradeRES second webinar

If you missed our webinar yesterday, you can consult it here:

Focusing on innovative electricity market designs that are being developed and tested in the TradeRES project.
Posted at 20-07-2022

TradeRES first webinar

If you missed our first webinar last week, you can consult it here:

Focusing on innovative electricity market designs that are being developed and tested in the TradeRES project. In the next couple of days, we will release the second part, stay tuned.

Posted at 19-07-2022

TradeRES webinars

Join us in our 2 free webinars, focusing on innovative electricity market designs that are being developed and tested in the TradeRES project.

Webinar 1 | AMIRIS & Backbone
On July 12th 2022, 15h00 CET
Registration is mandatory: link


Webinar 2 | MASCEM & RESTrade
On July 19th 2022, 15h00 CET
Registration is mandatory: link

Posted at 28-06-2022


TradeRES will participate in a joint PhD seminar by the chair of energy systems and energy economics of the Ruhr-University Bochum and the chair of Thermodynamics and fluid mechanics Université Catholique du Louvain from 19th to 20th of May, in Kerkrade, Netherlands.

Posted at 16-05-2022

Internal Workshop

TradeRES partners met in Frankfurt to discuss the further development of the project’s model toolbox, its usage by stakeholders in the energy sectors and details of its application to the project’s case studies.

Posted at 21-04-2022

Spring school

TradeRES will attend the spring school, “Theoretical Foundations of Electricity Market Design”, Tilburg University, from April 19 to 22.

Take a look:

Posted at 07-04-2022

International Hybrid Power Systems Workshop

​We are happy to recommend the 6th Hybrid Power Systems Workshop (26-27 April 2022), this premier science-to-industry platform with a focus on Hybrid Power Systems and Hybrid Power Plants! We expect 50+ high-quality presentations in 14 sessions.

Get the agenda here:

Posted at 23-03-2022

ECEMP conference - save the date!

The European Climate and Energy Modelling Platform (ECEMP) 2022 Conference – Acting on the ambitions to a net-zero EU: roadblocks, challenges, and opportunities (October 5-7 2022, online/Brussels). The objectives of the ECEMP conferences are to establish “a forum for exchanging research, development and practice of energy system modelling in Europe and, where feasible, promote the sharing of data and resources”.

The European Climate and Energy Modelling Forum (ECEMF) is a European project which comprises 15 partners and 20 models. The project aims to face the challenges of reducing fragmentation in research and energy modelling and then provide robust policy insights. The ambition is ECEMP should become a permanent forum creating a community of members and modelling teams willing to share their data.

The submission system will be soon available!
More information at:

Posted at 21-03-2022

Participation in EnInnov 2022

We will participate in EnInnov 2022 (held in German), with the paper: “Analyzing impacts of power tariff designs on demand response potentials”, in Graz, 16-18 of February 2022

Posted at 10-02-2022

Participation in AAEE 2021

Last year TradeRES participated in the AAEE PhD Day

Posted at 27-01-2022

Participation in IEWT 2021

TradeRES participated in IEWT 2021, International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, on 8-10th September, 2021 Wien, Österreich, with one publication. Presentation link.

Posted at 26-01-2022

Participation in EEEIC 2021

TradeRES participated in EEEIC 2021, International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, on 7-10th September, 2021 in Italy, with two accepted papers.

Posted at 14-01-2022

Recordings of Spine toolbox conference

TradeRES participated in Spine toolbox conference “Example workflow from EU project TradeRES to serve multiple models”, on 08-09-2021. 
It is possible check the presentation below:

More info: 
Posted at 19-11-2021

Participation in Task25

TradeRES participated in the Task 25 workshop.
All the details here:

Posted at 18-11-2021

Participation in EMP-E 2021

Last week, another TradeRES participation, in the EMP-E 2021 Conference – Re-Energising Sustainable Transitions in Europe
More info at: 

Posted at 02-11-2021

Recordings of TradeRES 1st public workshop

If you missed TradeRES 1st public workshop, you can check the recordings here:
DAY 1:

Posted at 25-10-2021

TradeRES 1st Workshop

TradeRES project invites you to the 1st Public Workshop which will be held online by 20 and 21 October 2021, 14h00 to 16h15 CET (Brussels time) at Zoom. 
Registration is free and it will be possible to interact and participate in Q&A at Slack.    
Registration is free:
More information and program (pdf): Link


Posted at 30-09-2021 (Updated at 13-10-2021)

Participation in Strommarkttreffen PhD seminar/workshop

Online Strommarkttreffen PhD Seminar organized by two PhD Students from Hertie School of Government, Berlin featuring the following four presentations:

  1. Integrating Hydrogen in Single-Price Electricity Systems: The Effects of Spatial Economic Signals and Consequences for Redispatch (Frederik vom Scheidt (KIT) joint with Jingyi Qu, Philipp Staudt, Dharik Mallapragada, Christof Weinhardt) (Link)
  2. To what extent do renewable energy auctions cause a reduction of support payments and the construction of new power plants? (Silvana Tiedemann, Hertie School)
  3. Non-price and Price Determinants of Duck-like Demand: Pass-Through Costs and Welfare implications (Gloria Colmenares, University of Münster)
  4. Modelling Electricity Storage Needs in Europe: A Separation of Drivers (Alexander Roth (DIW) joint with Wolf-Peter Schill)

Posted at 01-10-2021

Presentation of results

Presentation of results of eXtremOS Project – Models and Scenarios for ways to a climate-neutral Europe (website with results: eXtremOS (, DOI of one paper: 10.1109/EEM.2019.8916317))

Posted at 28-10-2021

Participation in Summer School

TradeRES is participating in the summer school “Forecasts within Energy Markets”, from September 27 to 1 of October.

Posted at 28-09-2021

Participation in ICEER 2021

Yes, one more conference participation of TradeRES, in 8th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research, from September 15th-17th). 

Posted at 16-09-2021

Participation in INREC 2021

One more TradeRES participation, talk, at conference INREC2021, (International Ruhr Energy Conference), today and tomorrow (September 15th-16th).

Posted at 15-09-2021

Participation in SEEP 2021

TradeRES is participating in the #SEEP 2021 ( 13th International Conference on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Protection), 13th September to 16th, (online).

Posted at 14-09-2021

Participation in Competition CEC 2021

TradeRES participated in Competition @CEC2021 (Competition “Evolutionary Computation in the Energy Domain: Smart Grid Applications”) in Lille, France, at #WCCI-CEC – Link

Posted at 07-09-2021

Participation in Special Session CEC 2021

TradeRES participated in SS CEC2021 (Special session “Evolutionary Algorithms for Complex Optimization in the Energy Domain”) in Krakow, Poland – Link 

Posted at 07-09-2021

Recording and presentation slides of workshop

If you were not present at the webinar regarding “2030 Market Design Webinar” @ENTSO_E
Watch now, for #free and access to the presentations #pdf.
Posted at 20-07-2021


TradeRES participated in the Entso-E 2030 Market Design – Stakeholder Webinar, on 10-06-2021.
Posted at 12-07-2021


TradeRES made a presentation on the project approach for a group of agent-based modellers (NREL, KU Leuven, University of Maryland, University of Cologne).

Posted at 09-07-2021

Participation in IEW 2021

TradeRES participated in 39th International Energy Workshop. Freiburg, Germany, from June 14th-17th). 

Posted at 18-06-2021

International Energy Workshop

TradeRES will participate in the 39th International Energy Workshop (IEW), 14-17 of june.

Posted at 11-05-2021

Euractive Virtual Conference

TradeRES participated at 30 of March in Euractive Virtual Conference on EU sector integration: How can the eu best create and leverage an integrated energy system? 


Posted at 26-04-2021

Participation in a tutorial

TradeRES participated in a tutorial: Virtual Tutorial on Ancillary Services and Their Role in Systems with High Shares of Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) on 16 of March.


Posted at 21-04-2021

Technical event organized

The event organized by TNO and VTT was a presentation German, ‘MIP-Based Electricity Markets: The impact of high-quality MIP formulations”, on 10-09-2020.

Posted at 05-02-2021


The passed webinar, on 25th January, “Lowering Emissions by Curtailing Renewables in Power Systems” made by German Morales is available. 

Posted at 29-01-2021

ICREN 2020

Last year TradeRES participated in ICREN 2020 in Montrouge, France, 25-27 of November 2020, with two published papers.

Posted at 05-01-2021

INEA workshop

We will participate and present TradeRES in the @inea_eu workshop H2020 Low TRL Smart Grids and Storage Projects Clustering, on 3rd December (12:20-13:20).

Posted at 02-12-2020

Elite Europe

TradeRES participated in Enlit_Europe (Formerly European Utility Week and POWERGEN Europe) from 30Nov to 2Dec.

Posted at 02-12-2020


TradeRES participated in CIES2020 – XVII Congresso Ibérico e XIII Congresso Ibero-americano de Energia Solar, from 3 to 5 November 2020.

Posted at 11-2020

ISGT Europe 2020

Participation ISGT Europe 2020, with a panel Session ‘Flexibility options for ~100% renewable energy systems: demand response and sector coupling’ with Imperial College and VTT.

Posted at 11-09-2020

TradeRES Kick Off

TradeRES Kick off meeting took place on 10th and 11th March 2020 at LNEG premises, in Lisbon. The kick-off meeting counted on the participation of all project partners, either in a presential or virtual form. This meeting allowed the involved partners to have the first discussions on the project, with special focus on the initial planned activities. It was also a floor for discussion on project management and internal communication guidelines and processes.