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TradeRES Reports

Public Deliverables

WP2 – Optimal electricity trading with ~100% RES: Generation of a reference power system, scenarios and input market data.

D2.1: A database of TradeRES scenarios (1st Edition deliverable, data here), (2nd Edition deliverable, data here), (3rd Edition deliverable, data here)

D2.2: A description of improvements in the system optimization models used in the TradeRES project

D2.3: How to use TradeRES optimization models database

TradeRES database available, access the data here

WP3 – Market Design and Regulation for ~100% Renewable Power Systems

D3.1: Performance specifications for a ~  100% RES system

D3.2: Characterization of new flexible players (1st Edition, 2nd Edition)

D3.3: Design of ancillary service markets and products

D3.4 Market design choices for efficient sector integration

D3.5: Market design for a reliable ~100% renewable electricity system (1st Edition, 2nd Edition, 3rd Edition)

WP4 – Development of Open-access Market Simulation Models and Tools

D4.1: Temporal flexibility options in electricity market simulation models 

D4.2: Sectoral flexibility options in electricity market simulation models

D4.3: Spatial flexibility options in electricity market simulation models

D4.4.: New actor types in electricity market simulation models (1st Edition, 2nd Edition)

D4.5: New market designs in electricity market simulation models (1st Edition, 2nd Edition)

D4.7: Principles and usage of a multi-simulation electricity market tool (1st Edition, 2nd Edition)

D4.8: Open-access tool of linked electricity market model (1st Edition, 2nd Edition)

D4.9: New forecast tools to enhance the value of VRE on the electricity markets (1st Edition, 2nd Edition)

WP5 – Performance assessment of the market(s) design(s). Application of the open-access tools to characteristic case studies

D5.2: Performance assessment of current and new market designs and trading mechanisms for Local Energy Communities (Case Study A) (1st Edition, 2ndEdition)

D5.3: Performance assessment of current and new market designs and trading mechanisms for National and Regional  Markets (1st Edition, 2nd Edition)

D5.4: Performance assessment of current and new market designs and trading mechanisms for a Pan-European wholesale electricity market (Case Study E)

D5.5: Comparative analysis of market designs